Hytale Wiki

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Hytale Wiki
Players in desert

Players in a desert, with different styles applied.

玩家(player)是用戶在遊戲中操縱的角色。Each player has an avatar which is the customizable character which represents players in-game. Players have 100 health points, and lose health when taking damage.[1]

角色創建[ | ]


The player's appearance can be customized using the character creator, where different aspects of the player can be edited and different themed styles can be applied.

模型[ | ]

The player model can be customized,[2] allowing the player to take the form of any NPC in-game.[3] Players can also create their own models for the avatar to display in-game.

The head of the player model is tilted five degrees up by default due to the fact that users tend to look slightly down while playing video games.[4] This only affects how other players see the avatar and does not change the camera angle.[5]

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Different clothing items are worn on different layers; armor will appear on top of all clothes.[6]

表情[ | ]

The player's avatar can have different facial expressions and perform emotes. Some expressions are activated during gameplay, like gritting teeth when pulling out a sword, but others can be customized and triggered manually.[6]

歷史[ | ]

Icon-stub這是一篇小作品,意味着它缺少一些重要的內容。 你可以通過編輯或修訂擴充其內容。
2018年12月13日 玩家和角色自定義在Hytale宣傳片被展示。
2019年2月15日 角色的自定義在一個博客帖子被展示。
2019年4月6日 多人遊戲伺服器中的玩家在一張早期開發版本的截圖中被展示。

畫廊[ | ]

References[ | ]

