Hytale Wiki
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See also: NPC Tribes, Animals, Monsters

Mobs are living entities within the world of Hytale. They include NPCs, animals and monsters.

Mobs can be either Passive/Neutral (generally ignore players), Friendly (actively assist players), or Hostile (actively attack players).

Known Mobs[]

Keep in mind that each of the mobs listed below were either shown in the announcement trailer, have appeared in concept art, or other promotional material provided by Hypixel Studios. It is possible that some mobs will be named differently, behave differently, or may not be implemented at all when Hytale is released.

All mobs marked in bold are bosses.

The following animal mobs will most likely be present somewhere within the Hytale universe, when the game is released.

Name Location Other Info
026a551e-34dc-4b63-a0a8-061f790ac33c Antelope Zone 2 (Pictured multiple times in Zone 2)
Bat-0 Bat Zone 1 in/or Underground
Bison1 Bison Zone 3
Boar Boar Zone 1
Cactee Cactee Zone 2 (Pictured multiple times in Zone 2)
Camels Camel Zone 2
Cat Cat Zone 1
Catfish Catfish Ocean
CattleIcon Cattle Zone 1
Bfababc9-1829-4d89-a3fb-105034c554c6 Cave-Rex In the deepest caves of Zone 4 Hostile
Clam Clam Underwater Passive
Clownfish Clownfish Underwater
Chicken Chicken Zone 1 Different variations of the chicken have been shown, such as the Undead Chicken.
2019-02-10 Chick Zone 1 The baby version of a Chicken (technically the same mob)
Crab Crab Underwater and on beaches
Corals Coral Underwater
CrocInWater Crocodile Zone 2
Crow Crow Zone 1
Deer Deer Zone 1
Link=Dimetrodon Dimetrodon In the deepest caves of Zone 4 Only appears in concept art
Dog Dog Zone 1 Multiple breeds confirmed via tweet and multiple screenshots
Duck Duck Shallow water in Zone 1
FlamingoIcon Flamingo Shallow water in Zone 2
Fox Fox Zone 1 Is a predator that hunts jackalopes and chickens.
Frog Frog Zone 1 Has green and orange variants
Capre belle
Goat Zone 2 Appeared in a Postcard from Orbis
Bear Grizzly Bear Zone 1 Called "Bear" in the model maker files
Horse Horse Zone 2
HyenaIconTemp Hyena Zone 2 Appeared in a tweet
Jackalope Jackalope Zone 1
Lobster Lobster Ocean
Aed58569-6dac-41c9-a167-d8abc6cb1cae Macaque Tropical jungle (Possibly Underground in Zone 4) Only appears in concept art
ManOWarConceptArt Man-O-War Underwater Only appears in concept art
Meerkat Meerkat Zone 2 Shown in a developer tweet
Moose Moose Zone 3
EelConceptArt Moray Eel Underwater
MouseCrop Mouse Found in the underground of each Zone
Owl Owl Zone 1 and Zone 3 Two different breeds: Snow owls and normal owls
ParrotCrop Parrot Islands
Penguin Penguin Zone 3
PigSmall Pig Unknown
Pidgeon Pigeon Zone 1
Pike Pike Underwater
PiranhaConceptArt Piranha Underwater Only appears in concept art
Polarbear Polar Bear Zone 3
Aed58569-6dac-41c9-a167-d8abc6cb1cae (2) Prehistoric Chicken In the caves of Zone 4 Only appears in concept art
Pufferfish Pufferfish Underwater
Fish4 Rainbow Trout Underwater
0f65c6b7-2338-4f42-a228-97efe6e123b8 (2) Ram Zone 3 Can be ridden by the player
Rat Rat Zone 1 in/or underground
Aed58569-6dac-41c9-a167-d8abc6cb1cae (1) Raptor In the deepest caves of Zone 4
Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Zone 2
Regal Thang Regal Tang Underwater
Seibah! Saber-Toothed Tiger Zone 2 Is a predator that hunts antelopes
2019-02-10 (3) Shark Underwater Has the visual appearance of a hammerhead shark
Sheep Sheep Zone 1 Appeared in the happy Easter screenshot
SpongeHytale Sponge Underwater
Snail Snail Underground Appeared as a fire/lava snail in a screenshot
Snake Snake Unknown
Sparrow Sparrow Zone 1
Spider Spider Zone 1
5c1bc331d621950018ca0729 happy holidays Tetrabird Unknown Can be ridden by kweebecs
Triceratops Triceratops Zone 4
Warthog Zone 2 Appeared in Hytale tweet
Wolf Wolf Zone 1 and Zone 3 Appears sometimes as a pet of a Trork
0f65c6b7-2338-4f42-a228-97efe6e123b8 (1) Woodpecker Zone 3
Vulture Vulture Zone 2

AntelopeBatBisonBoarCacteeCamelCatCatfishCattleClownfishChickenChickCrabCrocodileCrowDeerDogDuckFlamingoFoxFrogGrizzly BearHorseHyenaJackalopeLobsterMacaqueMan-O-WarMeerkatMooseMoray EelMouseOwlParrotPenguinPigPigeonPikePiranhaPolar BearPrehistoric ChickenPufferfishRainbow TroutRamRatRattlesnakeRegal TangSaber-Toothed TigerSharkSheepSnailSnakeSparrowSpiderTetrabirdWarthogWolfWoodpeckerVulture
Cave-RexCrawlerDimetrodonEarth ElementalEarth GolemEmberwulfFen StalkerFire GolemFrog MonsterEarth GolemGiant White SpiderIce DragonKrakenMagma GolemMosshornPale DangerRaptorSand EmpressSkeletonTriceratopsUndead ChickenVoid DragonVoid EyeVoid SpawnVoid PiranhaVoid SpiderYetiZombie

Tribes, Races or Factions are the intelligent societies and civilisations present across Orbis and elsewhere. Each tribe has it's own unique history, culture, religion, behaviours and beliefs that will be able to be interacted with by the player in Hytale.

Each faction will have a pre-determined disposition toward the player, with there existing friendly factions (Kweebecs) neutral factions (Ferans) and hostile factions (Outlanders) serving as examples of this.

Name Location Other Info
FaunCrop Faun Zone 3 Only appears in concept art
YoungFeran Feran Zone 2
Human Zone 2 Currently only featured as players and abandoned structures.
Eaf4e182-f98f-46d6-8180-0e6d6b930971 Goblin Dungeons
Screenshot 2019-04-20 at 2.45.14 PM Klop Zone 1
KweebecKid Kweebec Zone 1
2c009bd1-bf44-4f89-ba49-497977e91b19 (13) Outlander Dungeons and Zone 3
ScarakWorkerConcept Scarak Zone 2
Slothian Tropical Jungles in Zone 4
TrorkShaman Trork Zone 1

AntelopeBatBisonBoarCacteeCamelCatCatfishCattleClownfishChickenChickCrabCrocodileCrowDeerDogDuckFlamingoFoxFrogGrizzly BearHorseHyenaJackalopeLobsterMacaqueMan-O-WarMeerkatMooseMoray EelMouseOwlParrotPenguinPigPigeonPikePiranhaPolar BearPrehistoric ChickenPufferfishRainbow TroutRamRatRattlesnakeRegal TangSaber-Toothed TigerSharkSheepSnailSnakeSparrowSpiderTetrabirdWarthogWolfWoodpeckerVulture
Cave-RexCrawlerDimetrodonEarth ElementalEarth GolemEmberwulfFen StalkerFire GolemFrog MonsterEarth GolemGiant White SpiderIce DragonKrakenMagma GolemMosshornPale DangerRaptorSand EmpressSkeletonTriceratopsUndead ChickenVoid DragonVoid EyeVoid SpawnVoid PiranhaVoid SpiderYetiZombie

Monsters are mythical, yet dangerous creatures which players will likely encounter while exploring the worlds of Hytale. Monsters will most likely attack players on sight, and possibly attempt to hunt them down. However, there may be Neutral monsters as well which will not become hostile unless provoked.

The following monster mobs will most likely be present somewhere within the Hytale universe, when the game is released.

Name Location Initial state Other Info
Ff25c9c8-cf49-4040-ad1d-323463040388 (3) Crawler Zone 1 Hostile
Earth Elemental Earth Elemental Unknown Unknown
Earth Golem Earth Golem Zone 1 Stone Circle Unknown Will remain passively standing near of the Stone Circle
026a551e-34dc-4b63-a0a8-061f790ac33c (7) Emberwulf Zone 4 Unknown
Db3b341e-4fa3-4541-8211-d35c0e28cb03 (9) Fen Stalker Zone 1 Unknown
Fire Golem Fire Golem Zone 4 Hostile or Neutral Unknown
Frog Monster Infobox Frog Monster Zone 1 Unknown
2c009bd1-bf44-4f89-ba49-497977e91b19 Golem Temple of Gaia Unknown
Withespider Giant White Spider Unknown
FrostDragonCropped Ice Dragon Zone 3
KrakenCrop Kraken Deep ocean Only appears in concept art
Mosshorn Mosshorn Unknown Unknown
Outlander Cheif Outlander Chief Zone 3 Hostile The leader of the Outlander structures
Outlander Colossus Outlander Colossus Zone 3 Hostile Unknown
Outlander Cultists Infobox Outlander Cultist Zone 3 Hostile Takes part in outlander Rituals
Outlander Priest Outlander Priest Zone 3 Hostile Source of magic and conducts Outlander rituals
Outlander Ranger Outlander Ranger Zone 3 Hostile Hunts for food around Outlander structures
Outlander Warrior Outlander Warrior Zone 3 Hostile The standard defence for Outlander structure
Pale Dangers Pale Danger Ghost Forest Hostile
Ff25c9c8-cf49-4040-ad1d-323463040388 (1) Sand Empress Zone 2 Hostile Has clear connections to the Skarak, possibly a boss mob
Scarak Broodmother Scarak Broodmother Zone 2 Hostile Produces Scarak Eggs
Larva Scarak Larva Zone 2 Hostile Hatches from Scarak Eggs, and can become any of the following Archetypes
Scarak Locust Scarak Locust Zone 2 Hostile Can fly, providing arial support
Scarak Tank Scarak Tank Zone 2 Hostile Can block off passage ways
Scarak Warrior Scarak Warrior Zone 2 Hostile Standard warrior
Scarak Worker Scarak Worker Zone 2 Hostile Performs simple tasks
SkeletonCentered Skeleton Any Hostile Has many subtypes and archetypes
Trork Chieftain Trork Chieftain Zone 1 Hostile The leader of the Trork Camps
Trork Hunter Trork Hunter Zone 1 Hostile Hunts for the Trork Camps
Trork Sentry Trork Sentry Zone 1 Hostile A sentry for the Trork Camps
Trork Shaman Trork Shaman Zone 1 Hostile Is the Archetype responsible for magic within the Trork Society
Trork Warrior Trork Warrior Zone 1 Hostile The standard Solider for Trork Buildings
Undead Chicken Undead Chicken Unknown Unknown Might have connections to Skeletons
Void Dragon Void Dragon Unknown Unknown
Eaf4e182-f98f-46d6-8180-0e6d6b930971 (4) Void Eye Any Unknown
VoidSpawnCrop Void Spawn Any Unknown
Void Piranha Void Piranha Ocean Unknown
VoidSpiderConceptCrop Void Spider Zone 1 Unknown Only appears in concept art
2c009bd1-bf44-4f89-ba49-497977e91b19 (12) Yeti Zone 3 Unknown but suspected to be Hostile
308c6e43-ee6b-43b9-a896-204077316316 (3) Zombie Any Hostile Has many subtypes and archetypes

AntelopeBatBisonBoarCacteeCamelCatCatfishCattleClownfishChickenChickCrabCrocodileCrowDeerDogDuckFlamingoFoxFrogGrizzly BearHorseHyenaJackalopeLobsterMacaqueMan-O-WarMeerkatMooseMoray EelMouseOwlParrotPenguinPigPigeonPikePiranhaPolar BearPrehistoric ChickenPufferfishRainbow TroutRamRatRattlesnakeRegal TangSaber-Toothed TigerSharkSheepSnailSnakeSparrowSpiderTetrabirdWarthogWolfWoodpeckerVulture
Cave-RexCrawlerDimetrodonEarth ElementalEarth GolemEmberwulfFen StalkerFire GolemFrog MonsterEarth GolemGiant White SpiderIce DragonKrakenMagma GolemMosshornPale DangerRaptorSand EmpressSkeletonTriceratopsUndead ChickenVoid DragonVoid EyeVoid SpawnVoid PiranhaVoid SpiderYetiZombie

